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Journal Papers

Kimura, S. and Tsukamoto, K. (2006) The salinity front in the North Equatorial Current: A landmark for the spawning migration of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) related to the stock recruitment. Deep-Sea Research II, 53, 315-325.

Kitagawa, T. and Kimura, S. (2006) An alternative heat-budget model relevant to heat transfer in fishes and its practical use for detecting their physiological thermoregulation. Zoological Science, 23, 1065-1071.

Kitagawa, T., Sartimbul, A., Nakata, H., Kimura, S. and Yamada, H. (2006) The effect of water temperature on habitat use of young Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis in the East China Sea. Fisheries Science, 72, 1166-1176.

Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H. and Yamada, H. (2006) Thermal adaptation of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis to temperate waters. Fisheries Science, 72, 149-156.


北川貴士.バイオロギングによるクロマグロの行動生態研究の現状.(2006) 「水生動物の行動と漁具の運動解析におけるテレメトリー手法の現状と展開」,山本勝太郎,山根猛,光永靖編,恒星社厚生閣,45-55.

木村伸吾・北川貴士ほか.(2006) 海の環境100の危機(一部を執筆担当).東京書籍,pp231.

Original Papers

Kato, Y. and Kimura, S. (2006) Physical impact on larval fish behavior related to survival and ingestion. The 2nd KIOS-ORI Joint Symposium on Marine Science, Sep.

Kitagawa, T. (2006) The effect of water temperature on habitat use and vertical movements of young Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis in the East China Sea. In Sakamoto, W., Miyashita, S. and Nakagawa, Y. (eds), Ecology and Aquaculture of Bluefin Tuna, 21st Century COE Program, Kinki University Joint International Symposium on Bluefin Tuna, 1-8.

Conferences Presentations

北川貴士.(2006) クロマグロの回遊経路と海洋環境との関係.日本水産学会大会・シンポジウム,高知,3月.

加藤慶樹・木村伸吾.(2006) クロマグロの初期生残過程におよぼす物理環境 の影響.HADEEP Workshop,東京,8月.

Kato, Y. and Kimura, S. (2006) Effect of ocean turbulence on red seabream larvae. The 2nd KIOS-ORI Joint Symposium on Marine Science, Korea, Pusan, Sep.

Kimura, S. and Kato, Y. (2006) Effects of ocean turbulence on bluefin tuna larvae : important roles on fish survival and growth. The 2nd KIOS-ORI Joint Symposium on Marine Science, Korea, Pusan, Sep.

Kitagawa, T. (2006) Migration and behavior of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) ecology and aquaculture of bluefin tuna, 21st Century COE Program, Kinki University Joint International Symposium on Bluefin Tuna, Kagoshima, Nov.

Kato, Y., Takebe, T., Masuma, S., Kitagawa, T. and Kimura, S.(2006) Effect of ocean turbulence on bluefin tuna larvae. Ecology and Aquaculture of Bluefin Tuna, Kagoshima, Nov.

三宅陽一・木村伸吾・河村知彦・堀井豊充・伊藤幸彦・金熙容.(2006) 三浦半島西岸における暖流系大型アワビ浮遊幼生の輸送.水産海洋学会,横浜,11月.

金熙容・木村伸吾.(2006) ニ ホンウナギの回遊と要請輸送に与えるエルニーニョの影響.水産海洋学会,横浜,11月.

加藤慶樹・熊野美香子・益田玲爾・山下洋・木村伸吾.(2006) 海洋乱流が沿岸性魚類仔魚に及ぼす影響.水産海洋学会,横浜,11月.