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Journal Papers

Kenzo Kaifu, Sachie Miyazaki, Jun Aoyama, Shingo Kimura and Katsumi Tsukamoto.(2012)Diet of Japanese eels Anguilla japonica in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Environmental Biology of Fishes, DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-0027-0.

Kato, Y., Ohshima, M., Yamashita, Y., Kitagawa, T. and Kimura, S. (2012) Effects of larval ontogeny, turbulence, and prey density on survival in red sea bream Pagrus major larvae. Coastal Marine Science, 35, 262-268.

Fujisawa N., Fukushima M., Yamamoto M., Iwai H., Komai T., Kawabe K., and Liu D. (2012): Structural alterations of humic acid fractions in a steel slag-compost fertilizer during fertilization. Analysis by pyrolysis/methylation-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 95, 126-133.

Fukushima M., Fujisawa N., Furubayashi K., Iwai H., Otsuka K., Yamamoto M., Komai T., Kawabe Y., and Horiya S. (2012): Structural features and Fe(II)-binding capacities of humic acids from reservoir sediments. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 45, 452-458.

Iwai H., Fukushima M., and Yamamoto M. (2012): Binding characteristics and dissociation kinetics for iron(II) complexes with seawater extractable organic matter and humic substances in a compost. Analytical Sciences, 28, 819-820.

Yamamoto M., Fukushima M., and Liu D. (2012): The effect of humic substances on iron elution in the method of restoration of seaweed beds using steelmaking slag. ISIJ International, 52, 1909-1913.

Original Papers

山本光夫・横山勝英・吉永郁生 (2012): 気仙沼舞根湾における重金属類と流出油の水質・底質への影響 (特集 津波の海に生きる未来創生:気仙沼舞根湾調査). 海洋と生物, 34, 538-544.

西谷 豪・山本光夫・夏池真史・劉 丹・吉永郁生 (2012): 気仙沼舞根湾の植物プランクトンの動態 (特集 津波の海に生きる未来創生:気仙沼舞根湾調査). 海洋と生物, 34, 545-555.

Conferences - Oral / Poster Presentation

Itakura,H., Kitagawa,T and Kimura,S.(2012) Fluctuation in the adult Japanese eel catches in relation to habitat destruction. The 6th World Fisheries congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, May.

Itakura,H., Kitagawa,T and Kimura,S. (2012)Distribution characteristics of the Japanese eels in relation to habitat destructions. Aquatic Sciences Meeting of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. Otsu, Shiga, Japan, July.

Kimura, S., Kitagawa, T., Miyazaki, S., Miyake, Y., Kim, H. and Tsukamoto, K. (2012) Characteristics of spawning migration and larval transport of the Japanese eel based on stable isotope analyses. The 6th World Fisheries congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, May.

板倉光・北川貴士・木村伸吾(2012) 利根川水系における環境改変がニホンウナギの分布や成長に与える影響. 日本水産学会秋季大会,山口県下関市,9月

今井和子・岸道郎・木村伸吾(2012) 福島原子力事故後太平洋北西部におけるサンマの体内137Cs濃度の推定. 水産海洋学会研究発表大会,東京,11月

竹茂愛吾・高橋鉄哉・中田英昭・木村伸吾(2012) 大村湾における水温の長期変動とその要因 日本水産学会秋季大会, 下関, 9月

Takeshige, A., Takahashi, T., Nakata, H., Kimura, S.(2012) Long-term trends in seawater temperature in Omura Bay, Japan PICES Annual Meeting, Hiroshima, Japan, October

板倉光・北川貴士・木村伸吾(2012) 人為的環境改変がニホンウナギの分布や成長に与える影響. 水産海洋学会研究発表大会,東京,11月

竹茂愛吾・三宅陽一・中田英昭・北川貴士・木村伸吾(2012) 九州西岸域におけるカタクチイワシ資源と環境変動の関係 水産海洋学会研究発表大会, 東京, 11月

Itakura,H., Kitagawa,T and Kimura,S. (2012) Effects of the habitat environmental degradation on distribution of the yellow phase Japanese eel in the Tone river system, Japan. The 15th Annual Meeting of East Asia Eel Resource Consortium, Taipei, Taiwan, November.

Kimura, S., Itakura,H., Miyazaki, S. and Zenimoto, K. (2012) Environmental characteristics of the Japanese eel migration from spawning grounds to nursery grounds. The 15th Annual Meeting of East Asia Eel Resource Consortium, Taipei, Taiwan, November.
