


Hsiung, K-M, Kimura S. (2019) Impacts of global warming on larval and juvenile transport of Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica), Deep-Sea Research Part II,doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.104685

Kuroki, M., Miller M.J., Feunteun, E., Sasal, P., Pikering, T. Han, Y-S, Faliex, E., Acou, A., Dessier, A., Schabetsberger, R., Watanabe, S., Kawakami, T., Onda, H., Higuchi, T., Takeuchi, A., Shimizu, M., Hewavitharane, C.A., Hagihara, S., Taka, T., Kimura, S., Mochioka, N., Otake, T. and Tsukamoto, K. (2019) Distribution of anguillid leptocephali and possible spawning areas in the South Pacific Ocean, Progress in Oceanography, doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102234

Arai, K., Itakura, H., Yoneta, A., Kaifu, K., Shirai, K., Miyake, Y., Kimura, S. (2019) Anthropogenic impacts on the distribution of wild and cultured Japanese eels in the Tone River watershed, Japan, from otolith oxygen and carbon stable isotopic compositions. Environmental Biology of Fishes, doi.org/10.1007/s10641-019-00915-1.

Suzuki, K., Fuji, T., Kasai, A., Itoh, S., Kimura, S., Yamashita, Y. (2019) Monsoon promotes the transport of Japanese temperate bass Lateolabrax japonicus eggs and larvae toward the innermost part of Tango Bay, the Sea of Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, doi.org/10.1111/fog.12450.

Han, Y.S., Hsiung, K.M., Zhang, H., Chow,L.Y., Tzeng, W.N., Shinoda, A., Yoshinaga, T., Hur, S.P., Hwang, S.D., Iizuka, Y., Kimura, S. (2019) Dispersal characteristics and pathways of Japanese glass eel in the East Asian continental shelf. Sustainability, doi:10.3390/su11092572.

米田彬史・板倉光・荒井考磨・海部健三・吉永龍起・三宅陽一・白井厚太朗・木村伸吾(2019)耳石安定同位体比分析と文献調査に基づく日本におけるニホンウナギの自然分布域.日本水産学会誌、85, 150-161.

Hino, H., Kitagawa, T., Matsumoto, T., Aoki, Y. and Kimura, S. (2019) Changes to vertical thermoregulatory movements of juvenile bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean with time of day, seasonal ocean vertical thermal structure, and body size. Fisheries Oceanography, DOI: 10.1111/fog.12417

Miyake Y, Itakura H, Takeshige A, Onda H, Yamaguchi A, Yoneta A, Arai K, Hane YV, Kimura S (2019) Multiple habitat use of Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus in the estuary region of the Tone River system, implied by stable isotope analysis. Ichthyological Research 66(1): 172-176. DOI: 10.1007/s10228-018-0655-2








Shulan Wang・ Hidetada Kiyofuji・Shingo Kimura(2019)Distributional ecology of the bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Pacific Ocean、2019年度水産海洋学会研究発表大会、東北大学、11月

木村伸吾 (2019)河川規模の相違がニホンウナギの回遊行動に与える影響、令和元年度河川基金研究成果発表会、東京大学伊藤記念ホール、8月

松田泰知・木村伸吾 (2019)テレメトリーによる利根川水系小規模河川におけるニホンウナギの行動生態調査、「うな丼の未来7ウナギのいま」、東京大学弥生講堂、7月

木村伸吾・上田萌人 (2019)静岡県小規模河川におけるニホンウナギの分布・成長特性「うな丼の未来7ウナギのいま」、 東京大学弥生講堂、7月

Kinoshita, M., Nakamura, S., Yamamoto, M., Kimura, S. (2019) Application of “Chemical Leasing” to shipbuilding industry for reducing a negative impact on marine environment, 2019 Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Sapporo, Japan.

Yamamoto, M., Kimura, S. (2019) Effectiveness of internship at international organizations for developing human resources contributing to the sustainable development goals, 2019 Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Sapporo, Japan.


木村 伸吾(2019)「ウナギの科学」(塚本勝巳・良永知義編),朝倉書店,東京
